In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating

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  • The Largest Millionaire Dating Serving Only Developed Countries Since 2001. ' highlights the 'millionaires' in its listings' by Wall Street Journal. MillionaireMatch celebrates and embraces successful people. They are admired and appreciated here much more than other sites. Once you have achieved a certain level of success.
  • To create a romantic relationship between two Sims, have them do actions such as 'Be Romantic' or ' WooHoo ' (only available for partners, engaged and married). As a pair of Sims advance through each stage, a certain amount of Simoleons and XP will be received. Although Sims have to be level 6 to have a romantic stage such as dating or move in.

This article was written by Jack Lloyd. Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher.
This article has been viewed 292,405 times.

This wikiHow teaches you how to place two of your Sims in a relationship with each other in The Sims 4. You can do this naturally by finding a Sim and allowing your Sim to pursue the necessary social interactions; if that sounds like too much work, there's a cheat you can use to initiate a relationship.


Method 1 of 2:
Using Social Interactions
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  1. 1
    Understand the limitations. When attempting to get two Sims to form a relationship, they cannot be related, nor can they be diametrically opposed to each other's traits.
    • While it's technically possible to get two opposite Sims to date, doing so is difficult.
    • Your Sims' genders don't factor into their dating choices.
  2. 2
    Send your Sim to a social location. If you want your Sim to meet another Sim organically, you'll need to send them to a club, bar, park, or similarly social location.
    • You can also just send your Sim out into the street if there are enough Sims around.
  3. 3
    Have your Sim introduce themselves to another Sim. Select the Sim with whom you want to pair your Sim to strike up a conversation.
  4. 4
    Look for positive signs. You will see literal green '+' signs appear above both your Sim's head and the other Sim's head while they talk; if you see a large majority of these, your Sims are compatible.[1]
  5. If you see an influx of red negative signs, you'll have to find a different Sim with whom to pair your Sim.
  • 5
    Build a friendship between the two Sims. The easiest, lowest-risk way to do this is by conversing with the other Sim by selecting Friendly as a conversation option and then selecting dialogue options such as Ask About Day or Compliment Outfit.
    • You want the 'Friendship' meter to be at least 50 percent full; any lower than that, and your romantic attempts will fail.
    • Avoid flirty (pink) dialogue options when building the friendship.
  • 6
    Begin flirting. Once your two Sims are friends (e.g., the 'Friendship' bar is at 50 percent or higher), you can begin flirting with the other Sim by selecting the Romance conversation option and then selecting Flirt.
  • 7
    Wait to see if the other Sim accepts the flirting. If the other Sim is open to romance, you will see a pink bar appear below the green 'Friendship' bar under both your Sim's name and the other Sim's name.
    • If the pink bar doesn't appear, try building up the 'Friendship' bar some more before attempting to flirt again.
  • 8
    Build the 'Romance' bar to at least 30 percent. Building romance works in the same way as building friendship: select the Romance conversation option, then select light options such as Flirt or Compliment Appearance.
    • Avoid physical actions until the 'Romance' bar has grown a few times. Ideally, you'll wait to use physical options until the bar reaches the 30 percent mark.
    • If the other Sim reacts unfavorably to something you do, select the Apologize conversation option before proceeding, then go back to light flirting or complimenting.
  • 9
    Ask the Sim to date. Once the 'Romance' bar is at least 30 percent full, select the Romance menu option, then select Ask to Be Boyfriend or Ask to Be Girlfriend in the resulting menu. This will usually result in the Sim becoming your Sim's partner.[2]
  • 10
    Continue building the relationship. Once your Sim and their partner are dating, you can continue using Romance options such as holding hands, kissing, and so on to build the 'Romance' bar.
    • Once the 'Romance' bar is 50 percent full or higher, you can ask the Sim to marry your Sim. If the bar is high enough, you'll even have an Elope option.
  • Method 2 of 2:
    Using a Cheat
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    1. 1
      Find a Sim whom you want your Sim to date. Before you can use a cheat to pair your two Sims, you'll need to find the Sim whom you want your Sim to date.
    2. 2
      Note the other Sim's name. You need the first and last name of the other Sim before you can proceed.
    3. 3
      Enable the Cheats console. Press Ctrl+ Shift+C (Windows) or Command+ Shift+C (Mac) to do so. You should see a text box appear.
    4. 4
      Enter the 'Enable Cheats' command. Type in testingcheats enabled and press Enter. This will turn on cheats for your current Sims 4 game.[3]
    5. Type in the first and last name of the Sim you want to date in the same way, making sure to press the spacebar after their last name.
    6. Type in 75 and press the spacebar.
    7. Type in Friendship_Main and press Enter.
    8. Repeat this command and replace 'Friendship_Main' with 'Romance_Main'.